trailer tipper

Lumi will be at an exhibition but the door is not wide enough. So lumi, on it’s trailer had to be tipped on the side. How to do so. Well, safely and carefully. But how.

This is how you tip your trailer

And after the test: a few adjustments and painting.

1: Better attachment to the crane. The book now stands out a bit, the lifting chain has now more space and will not bene the sides of the steel profile. (you can still see the dent in the side)

2: Paint job. Looks better, and it is more comfortabele to handle, especially after a while when everything gets rusty. Not nice for your hands.

Stadsherberg 2024

At the stadsherberg (city inn) just before Xmas 2024 I gave a workshop light boxes. Construct your own light box. Cardboard, lights, pencils, acrylic markers and of course glitter were provided. I only had to prepare it, for the participants it was obvious what to do: have fun together, share the stuff and i could “sit on my hands” (watch and enjoy), occasionally gently creating a working place for other participants.

Piz Roseg model

foto: google earth

3D printed model of the mountain on the border of Switzerland and Italy. Usually a cad program that uses heightfields (greyscale to elevation) is limited to 256 steps. That would result in stepped slopes, not nice to look at. I used Rhino 3D and grasshopper to import the original geotiff files with a higher resolution (16 bit = 65K levels). Much better, smooth slopes.

Janninks light

Janninks tower, part of an old industrial building in Enschede. A couple of years ago i made a lantern from it with the little candle LED’s. And now it is also working with 220V lamps. It took a while to rebuild it, the thin paper design has evolved into two lamps: a thick cardboard design with a pucklight on batteries and a 160 gr paper design with 220V lamps. I’m particularly happy with the shade inside that guides the light very well.

Safety is always a concern with 220V applications. I use LED lamps (E14 fitting) that do not turn hot. But you never know. So I experimented with flame proving the paper and found a good solution that makes the paper flame retardant, this works well. For the children I also made a variation that uses a battery lamp. Much effort was spent to make it easy to build. It is safe and the lamp can be constructed without folding or gluing.

Welding a trailer tipper

I’m building a frame to turn the trailer on it’s site and move it through a narrow corridor. It is for an exhibition in the Vrijhof at the Twente University.

it’s constructed with the original edge posts of the trailer and it will slide in position. A “key” will lock it in place. It is a crazy idea, flipping the trailer. Why don’t people just walk out to have a look at it.

Here is the site of Lumi.


Nederlandse hoogtegegevens weet ik nu wel te vinden op

Maar hoe zit dat in de rest van Europa. Om maar te beginnen met het Gardameer.

Ik wist al van de Nasa shuttle missie: radaropnames. De hele aarde is er min of meer mee opgemeten. Over de kwantiteit niets dan goeds, maar de kwaliteit is minder dan van de lidar opnames van AHN. Niettemin: als je niks beters hebt kun je hier toch al heel veel mee doen.

Hier kun je de met SRTM opgemeten gebieden selecteren en de kaarten downloaden:[0][v]=f&pg[0][gsk]=-start_date&fi=ASTER&tl=1726760116.085!3!!&lat=45.06640763628746&long=9.26806640625&zoom=7

Kwaliteit: de kaarten zien er soms nogal beroerd uit: JPG artefacten (waarom is dit niet als png te downloaden?) en ontbrekende pixels, vermoedelijk blinde hoeken voor de radar van de Spaceshuttle. De hoogte-resolutie van de radar opnames is beperkt: ongeveer 15 – 20m. Lidar is in de orde van mm nauwkeurig.

Radaropname SRTM: jpg artifacten en missende data ( de donkere puntjes en vlakken in de witte vlakken)
Jpeg artifacten: rechthoekige vlakken ipv vloeiende overgangen

Hier vind je meer over bronnen van goede DEM (digatal elevation data) :

Maar met wat op goed geluk zoeken (Google: Italia + dem) kwam ik toch op een prima bruikbare site:

Hier staan de Italiaanse data, van prima kwaliteit. En je kunt ze met QGis openen en bewerken, het zijn geotiffs, dus de kaarten sluiten goed aan. En in tegenstelling tot AHN zijn de kaarten ook veel groter (AHN: 5 x 6,25 km), wat veel practischer werkt.

zuidkant Gardameer. Hier is veel op te zien, goeie kwaliteit DEM. Zouden dat strandwallen zijn die min of meer parallel aan de oever liggen of morenevormen ( bv. meerdere eindmorenes tgv terugtrekkende gletcher?)
Heightfield met Rhino 3D gemaakt, naar het noorden over het meer kijkend. Geen jpg artifacten, wel moiré door screencapture
Wanneer gaan we? Ik zou daar wel eens willen gaan kijken. Vragen genoeg

3D print van gemaakt. Met silk pla (dual color) krijg je twee kleuren, die in dit geval de niveauverschillen goed accentueren, de “zebra” weergave van het licht hellende gebied pakt heel gelukkig uit.

Holiday break

Wowlab is closed until August 18th. After 18th until end of Aug: Wowlab is open but not daily and depending on the weather that day.

Fair weather means bikerides or sailing. Or out for a walk. Or so.