Printing press

3D model, inspired by the commonly available printing presses

About to make my A4 printing press for lino and stamps. I can weld it myself, saves 300-ish euro. How hard can it be. This is the prototype sketch, made in Rhino.

This simple press is capable of exerting a huge force on the printing block, around 1000 kg, by clever use of levers instead of using a screw, which has a lot of friction and requires more force from the person who operates it.

This makes it easy te operate even by children. However, many presses are not very user friendly. The press is optimized on costs and not on user friendliness.

Here is the inspiration. It is a very practical and useful press, but there are some improvements possible, especially the lever is rather awkward and very non ergonomical.

First: a solid base
Adding the levers
Adjusting the shape of the levers
levers ready, stronger construction
press ready, wooden boards added as well as refinements of the nuts
First print